Using peach oil for hair. Peach oil for hair

For those who have lifeless and weak hair, cosmetologists often recommend trying peach oil. This product has long been known for its ability to revive dull curls, nourish the roots and fight split ends. As soon as the healing oil is used: rubbed into the skin, distributed through the hair, and also mixed with other ingredients and used as a mask. To achieve optimal results, it is important to choose the appropriate method of use, follow proven recipes and follow recommendations.

To prepare the oil, peach pits are used, which are processed through cold pressing. This method, which does not involve temperature effects on the raw materials, allows you to preserve all the healing components. The resulting product is classified as a base oil and has a thick consistency and a yellowish tint. It has a well-known peach aroma, which makes any procedure for using this natural product pleasant.

It is important that the oil is not subjected to subsequent heat treatment - information about this is contained on the label.

Peach oil has a special healing effect on the hair and scalp. The effect of its use is manifested primarily in the restoration of damaged, weak and brittle curls. This is due to the unique composition of the product, which includes the following main components:

  • retinol and tocopherol, which give the strands firmness and elasticity;
  • niacin, which promotes smoothness and shine of hair;
  • thiamine, which reduces the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • folic and ascorbic acids, which provide protection from ultraviolet radiation, low and high temperatures, as well as other negative factors;
  • riboflavin, which increases hydration of the skin and strands;
  • pyridoxine, which affects the restoration of hair structure;
  • cobalamin and pantothenic acid, activating and strengthening follicles;
  • minerals that enhance cell regeneration and nutrition;
  • phospholipids that stimulate metabolic processes.

Among the components of the oil, a special place is occupied by fatty acids, which disinfect and moisturize the skin, nourishing the hair follicles.

Thanks to its rich composition, the oil is used for systematic care of any hair, especially those prone to dryness. It has a softening effect on the scalp, relieving dandruff, itching, flaking, irritation and seborrhea. Antiseptic properties allow you to quickly heal small wounds and cracks on the skin, eliminate redness and inflammation. This oil is indispensable for restoring the normal condition of the scalp.

In addition, with regular use, the product helps combat the following problems:

  • split ends;
  • damaged and lifeless curls;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of gray strands;
  • slow growth.

Due to the ability of the oil to influence the production of melanin, the occurrence of gray hair is reduced.

Since during the use of the composition all processes in the scalp are activated, this leads to accelerated hair growth, especially when using the product in combination with other components of a similar effect. Loose strands become denser and stronger, increasing the shine, smoothness and silkiness of the hair. Many people note that after using peach oil, colored curls become softer and more vibrant.

Methods of application

Peach oil is safe to use. The only case when it is prohibited to use it is individual intolerance. To determine if you have a negative reaction to this product, place a small amount of product on the area behind your ear. The absence of signs of rash, redness or itching throughout the day makes the oil suitable for use.

Due to the fact that the product is basic, it can be used either independently or in combination with other ingredients in masks. Additional components will help enhance the effect of the main product and more effectively solve a specific hair problem. However, even the separate use of peach oil on a regular basis will significantly improve the condition of the skin and strands.

The advantage of using oil as an independent product is the ability not to wash it off even for 2 hours, which ensures high-quality nutrition and deep penetration of substances into the skin and hair structure.

Depending on whether you use the product for preventive or therapeutic purposes, the frequency of procedures and the duration of the course depend. In the first case, oil or mixtures containing it are recommended to be applied to the hair and scalp no more than once a week for 2 months. In the second case, you can increase the number of sessions to 2 times a week for the same period of time. After a break of 2–3 months, you can return to the procedures.

As a separate product

Peach oil is used as an independent product to strengthen hair and make it smooth. The easiest way to do this is with self-massage of the head and aromatherapy. The choice of procedure depends on the goals you want to achieve:

  • to nourish and moisturize the roots, as well as stimulate hair growth and get rid of dandruff, the oil should be applied to the scalp with gentle massaging movements;
  • To reduce the number of split ends and add shine to the strands, simply distribute the product along the length of your hair.

Peach oil can be mixed with other base ingredients to enhance the effect. Thus, avocado, jojoba, coconut and almond oils are most compatible with this product. Any of these products is combined with the main ingredient in a 1:1 ratio. It is important to warm the composition before use to a temperature of about 37 degrees - after all, base oils reveal their full strength when applied in a warm state.

To heat the compositions, it is best to use a water bath, which will ensure a safe and uniform increase in the temperature of the composition. Before treating the scalp, make sure that the product is not too hot - drop a little oil on your wrist.

The massage procedure with peach oil takes place in the following order:

  1. Prepare 2 tablespoons of preheated oil.
  2. Using a hairdressing brush, distribute the product along the parting and parallel lines until you have treated the entire scalp.
  3. Massage the surface with slow circular movements using your fingertips for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Leave the composition on for at least 30 minutes and wash off with shampoo.

If you decide to apply the product only to the length of your hair, then first prepare your comb. A wooden comb with sparsely spaced teeth is best. Metal or plastic brushes are not recommended due to the risk of an oxidation reaction.

After preparation, proceed to the main procedure:

  1. Comb dry strands with a clean comb.
  2. Place 5-6 drops of peach oil on the cloves.
  3. Gently run the comb through your hair, going down from the roots along the entire length, for about 10 minutes.
  4. After processing all the strands, check that the ends are thoroughly processed. If necessary, apply a few drops of oil with your hands to the ends of your hair.
  5. Do not rush to wash off the composition immediately - wait at least 30 minutes and then clean your hair with shampoo.

A plastic cap, which is placed on the head after treating the skin and hair with oil, will help enhance the effect of using the product. Even more insulation can be achieved by wrapping a warm towel over the cap.

Of course, you can combine massage and aroma combing, performing both procedures in one session. Start by treating the scalp, and then move on to distributing the product along the length of the hair. Once the process is complete, make a bun and insulate your head.

If you use oil not as a preventive measure, but for treatment, then you can leave the product on your hair and skin for 1.5 - 2 hours. However, those with overly sensitive scalps should be careful: for the first time, try leaving the oil on for 30 minutes and check if any discomfort occurs. Some people apply the composition in the evening and wash it off only in the morning - in this case, you also need to make sure that your skin is ready for the night procedure. Increase the time you leave the mask on the skin and strands gradually.

Video: how to apply oil to hair and scalp

As an ingredient in masks

Preparing masks takes a little longer than applying the oil separately, but in many cases it is more effective due to the combination of ingredients. To carry out the procedure correctly, follow the recommendations:

  • Change into clothes that you don't mind getting dirty with oil.
  • To prepare masks, use a glass or ceramic container - metal products are not suitable.
  • Do not forget to heat the base oils using a water bath and not over an open fire, as this will lead to the loss of some of the healing properties.
  • Try to mix the compositions thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained to evenly distribute the components throughout the hair and skin.
  • Follow the recommended time for which you should keep the mask on.
  • It is better to distribute the product over dry hair; it is not necessary to rinse it first.
  • When applying the composition to the skin, massage it lightly, rubbing the mask.
  • Use a plastic cap and towel to ensure a thermal effect.

If a chicken egg is present among the ingredients of the mask, then it is enough to heat the base oils to 30 degrees. In other cases, the composition is brought to a temperature of about 37 degrees.

If your hair is prone to dryness and brittleness, and looks dull, then the following masks will help restore its vitality and elasticity:

  • With cottage cheese.
  • With a collection of herbs.
  • With glycerin.
  • With egg.

To activate follicles and enhance hair growth, masks are used with the addition of the following ingredients:

To rinse off the mixtures, use warm water - always with shampoo, since otherwise it will not be possible to completely clean the strands and scalp.

Masks will help disinfect the skin and get rid of pathogenic bacteria that lead to dandruff:

  • With calendula.
  • With ylang-ylang oil.

To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss, especially during a long winter period, you can prepare the following mixtures:

Video: masks against hair loss, including those with peach oil

If you are concerned about the problem of split ends, then use a mask with burdock oil:

Video: how to use peach and other oils in hair care masks

To wash off the mask, it is advisable to use shampoo with a natural composition. It usually takes about 2-3 applications of the cleanser to completely remove the oil, especially when treating the scalp. The recommended number of sessions using mixtures is about 15 procedures, which are carried out once every 3 days.

It is better to dry your strands naturally - using a hairdryer can negate the effect of using a mask.

Video: how to grow long curls

Adding to Shampoo

You can use your regular shampoo as a base to apply peach oil. Since the procedure does not involve leaving the composition on the hair for a long time, the result from it is often less pronounced than with a massage or applying masks. However, many reviews confirm that even this method of using oil can reduce hair loss and give it a shiny appearance, eliminating excessive dryness.

To perform the procedure, use the instructions:

  1. Pour a small amount of shampoo into your palm - it is advisable that your hair cleanser contains only natural ingredients.
  2. Mix the composition with 5-6 drops of peach oil and foam thoroughly.
  3. Apply as you would regular shampoo, just take about 5-7 minutes to massage your head after applying the product.
  4. Rinse your hair using a new portion of clean shampoo.

When adding oil to shampoo, do not forget about the limitations on the frequency of use of such a composition. Since the product is famous for its moisturizing properties, it is recommended to use it no more than once a week for hair prone to oiliness.

Today, people are increasingly thinking about replacing store-bought hair cosmetics with natural products. The latter also includes peach seed oil. However, it should be understood that even natural remedies have contraindications and side effects. You should familiarize yourself with the unpleasant consequences, as well as recommendations for use, before you begin to actively use the oil for hair care.

What is peach oil

Peach pomace is an oily substance that is produced from the kernels located inside the seeds of the fruit of the same name. The product is usually obtained using cold pressing, due to which the maximum amount of useful substances from the original raw materials is retained in the final product.

Interestingly, ripe peach pits can contain up to 55% oil.

The main stages of extracting the pomace from the seeds of bright fruits are:

  1. Harvesting.
  2. Extraction of nucleoli from fruits.
  3. Obtaining seeds located inside the nucleoli.
  4. Cold pressed.
  5. Filtration consisting of many stages. Thanks to this stage, the oily substance is removed from harmful substances and various impurities.
  6. Hydration, neutralization and whitening. Takes place exclusively for mass production of the product. If the product passes these stages of purification, it is considered practically useless. This product is odorless, but has a pleasant aftertaste.

Peach oil is produced from the kernels of the fruit of the same name.

The unrefined oil substance made from peach kernels has a rich yellow tint, a pleasant fruity and nutty odor and a delicate taste. This is the squeeze that is recommended for use when caring for hair. Interestingly, the product is increasingly used outside home cosmetology, which is why it is becoming increasingly difficult to find it on store shelves.

Peach squeeze is considered a basic remedy. This means that the oil can be used not only when mixing various formulations (masks, massage mixtures, etc.), but also as a separate cosmetic product.

History of origin

China is considered the historical homeland of the fruit. Several thousand years ago, peach was especially valuable in this country. However, the popularity of the product was not due to its taste. In China, peach oil was actively used to improve the health of the body and improve one's appearance.

Peaches were originally grown in China

Subsequently, the fruit was brought to Asian countries and the Caucasus, and then to Greece and Rome. In Russia, sweet peaches were cultivated only in the sixteenth century. Today, oil is most often produced in countries such as:

  • India,
  • Italy,
  • Greece,
  • China.

Nowadays, the product is used as the main component of home cosmetic compositions (for hair, skin, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard and even nails) and for the treatment of certain diseases of the internal systems of the body.

Chemical composition

Peach oil contains the following main active components:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, linolenic, palmitic and others. These substances form a thin protective film on the surface of the hair, which reduces the vulnerability of curls under aggressive environmental influences. In addition, fatty acids prevent the destruction of collagen fibers, which is especially important for maintaining the elasticity of strands.
  • Antioxidants. Find and neutralize free radicals. The latter, when accumulated in hairs, worsen their internal and external condition.
  • Vitamins:
    • B15. Effectively improves the tone of aging skin.
    • E. Promotes cell rejuvenation. It also prevents early hair loss, which means it helps hair stay strong and healthy longer. In addition, tocopherol removes harmful substances from cells, due to which its use is considered a good prevention of intoxication.
    • A. Has a regenerating effect on curls. With regular intake of vitamin A, the latter become strong and less frizzy.
    • D. Strengthens hair, reduces its sensitivity to toxic substances.
    • AT 6. Fights fragility and hair loss. Its use on hair is considered a good prevention of baldness.
    • Others: R, S, etc.
  • Pantothenic acid and cobalamin. These substances have a strengthening effect on the hair follicles and also awaken tight follicles.
  • Phospholipids. They accelerate intracellular metabolism, thereby stimulating hair growth.
  • Mineral components:
    • Calcium. Helps accelerate cellular regeneration and also restores dry ends.
    • Potassium. It prevents moisture from leaving the cells, thereby eliminating dandruff and excessive dryness of curls.
    • Phosphorus. Makes hair more elastic.
    • Iron. Improves blood supply to scalp cells and improves the process of oxygen delivery to tissues.
  • Other substances: carotenoyls, tocopherols, phospholipids, etc.

How to select and store a product

When purchasing peach kernel pomace, pay attention to some points:

Peach pomace should be stored in a dark glass container. Usually this is a bottle, decanter or bottle. The lid must be tightly closed so that the interaction of the product with oxygen is minimal. It should also be noted that it is not recommended to keep the product in a damp place (for example, in a bathroom). The temperature should not exceed 25 o C. Unopened oil retains its beneficial properties for two years, and it is recommended to use the opened product within 3–4 months.


The product made from peach pits has one absolute contraindication: an allergic reaction to the components of the chemical composition. The relative ones include:

  • Pregnancy period. At this time, a woman should be careful with all cosmetic products used so as not to harm the baby’s health.
  • Oily hair type. In this case, before using the oil, you should consult a trichologist, since there is a high probability that the product will not suit you.

Side effects and precautions

If used incorrectly or neglected to take precautions, using peach pit extract for hair can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • itching on the scalp,
  • disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands (too intense secretion),
  • hair loss and thinning,
  • dandruff formation.

To prevent side effects, you should follow certain recommendations:

Benefits for hair

Peach squeeze has a wide range of beneficial properties. But when using a hair care product, the following will be relevant:

  • Improves blood flow to scalp cells. Thanks to this process, nutrients are delivered to the hair follicles faster, thereby improving the quality of the hair.
  • Accelerates hair growth. This property is due not only to improved blood flow when using the product, but also to the presence of a large amount of nutrients in the peach kernel squeeze. When the latter are provided in abundance to the hair follicles, the follicles have energy, which they supply to the curls for their growth and development.
  • Forms a thin protective film on the surface of the hair. Thanks to this, the use of the product helps prevent the negative impact of aggressive environmental factors on the hair. The latter include strong winds, scorching rays of the sun, and so on.
  • Increases the density of curls. Squeezing not only thickens the hairs, but also awakens dormant hair follicles.
  • Restores damaged hair segments. The oil penetrates deep into the cells, thanks to which it heals strands after various types of experiments: coloring, lightening, heat styling, curling, and so on.
  • Strengthens the structure of curls. The peach pit product “fills” the hair from the inside due to the presence of a large amount of fatty acids in its composition.
  • Fights dandruff. When applied to damp curls and the root zone, peach squeeze softens dry scales and gradually reduces their number.
  • Fights excess skin secretion in the root zone. It sounds unusual, but with constant use of oil, the activity of the sebaceous glands becomes less pronounced. Thanks to this, the product can be used even for oily hair types. It should also be noted that excess secretions contribute to clogging of pores, which is why pimples and other unpleasant formations appear on the scalp.

Application for hair

Peach squeeze is most often used in hair care in the following ways:

  • in its purest form,
  • as the main component of masks,
  • for massage.

For massage

Head massage using peach squeeze is considered a beneficial procedure for curls. To implement the latter, it is recommended to mix the oil with esters of rosemary, chamomile, lavender, fir, lemon, mint or orange. A good proportion of the main component to the additional component is 4:1. Of course, peach squeeze in this case can be used separately.

When using peach kernel oil for head massage, it is recommended to add esters, such as mint

Head massage affects the skin and hair in the following ways:

  • Increases blood flow. In this regard, the supply of nutrients to the tissues is improved, and dormant follicles are awakened. Timely provision of cells with useful components ensures restoration of the damaged structure of curls. In addition, increased blood flow results in shinier hair.
  • Prevents baldness. This pathology is usually caused by a disorder of cellular metabolism. Massage accelerates the latter, thereby stopping the process of hair loss.
  • Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. By adding grapefruit or lemon ether to the massage composition, you can forget about excess skin secretions for a long time. However, if your problem is dry scales, then, on the contrary, it is recommended to use peach squeeze separately. It should be understood that the mechanical effect of the fingertips on the scalp also stimulates the sebaceous glands, so you should try to use the oil very sparingly.

When carrying out the procedure, special attention should be paid not only to the composition used, but also to the technique of execution. Use the following techniques:

  • Stroking. Always start the procedure with this movement. Gently stroke the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head, using only your palms. Then move on to the next movement vector: from the crown to the ears. Cover your head completely with both hands, do not reduce the area of ​​influence. Try not to use rough pressure, act without much effort. Do not move or rub the skin. Allow 2-3 minutes for this step. This simple technique is designed to prepare the dermis for more active effects. In addition, stroking promotes:
  • Vibration. To perform the technique, you only need four fingers on both hands. The fact is that the fifth (big) will be the supporting one. Touch the pads to the skin and begin to act on it intermittently. The movements should imitate vibration. Move from the crown to the transition line of the head to the neck, where hair growth ends.
  • Circular movements. This is the main technique for head massage. You need to bend your palms and spread your fingers a little. In this position, place your hands on the surface of the skin. The thumb should be the supporting one, and the root zone should be massaged with the rest of the pads. Make circular movements in different directions to maximize blood circulation. Try to move smoothly from one area of ​​the head to another.

    The main technique of scalp massage is circular movements performed with the fingers.

  • Effleurage. The reception is carried out simultaneously with both palms. The latter should not be bent. Try to move from the top of the head to the back of the head, as in the previous techniques. Proceed gently and lightly to avoid discomfort. If pain occurs, the stage should be completed.

It is recommended to carry out the described techniques in any order. But it should be understood that the procedure should begin and end with stroking. Thanks to the latter, you can not only prepare the dermis for active exposure, but also calm it down afterwards. Usually half an hour is enough to perform a head massage.

Before proceeding to the main steps, it is recommended to do a few more manipulations:

Pure use

Separately, peach product is usually used to care for normal and dry hair types. There are two main methods for using pure hair oil:


The simplest and most popular way to use peach squeeze for hair care is to apply active ingredients - masks. However, when using this technique, it is recommended to follow the proposed rules:

  • Homemade masks, and we are talking about such products, must be used fresh. This means that you should not mix the ingredients in advance and keep the mixture in the refrigerator. The fact is that the products used for masks usually quickly become unusable.
  • To achieve maximum effect, apply the composition to damp and clean hair. After washing, it is recommended to only lightly blot your hair so that the liquid does not flow down in a stream. It is this method of application that will ensure deep penetration of the active components into the hair structure.
  • It is recommended to slightly warm the peach pomace before mixing the ingredients. The fact is that a warm product reveals its beneficial properties better. You can heat the product using a water bath or microwave (15–20 seconds in this case will be enough).
  • After using a mask based on a peach product, you should not dry your hair with a hairdryer. It is better to do this naturally to prolong the effect of the active substance on the hair.

    After using peach oil or products based on it on your hair, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer or other hair styling devices.

  • You cannot change the dosage of ingredients in the masks yourself. The same can be said for the duration of the procedure. Such experiments will not enhance the effectiveness of the technique, but rather provoke various hair problems (dryness, etc.).
  • It is necessary to warm your head after applying the mask. It is recommended to do this with a plastic cap and a thick towel. Thanks to the greenhouse effect created by insulation, the effectiveness of the procedure increases.

    After applying peach oil or products based on it on your hair, you should warm your head and forget about the product for a while (you can do other things, such as manicure)

  • The formulations should be used only once every seven days. It is not recommended to do this more often. Typically, masks are used in courses of 10–12 sessions, but if the substances do not contain aggressive components (ginger, chili, mustard, etc.), then you can use them on a regular basis.

    If the mask contains aggressive ingredients, such as hot pepper, it should be used in courses.

For growth

For those who want to get long, luxurious hair, the following masks are suitable:

Against dryness

The following mask recipes are suitable for those with dry hair:


To get rid of excessive oily hair and scalp, use one of the following recipes:

Against split ends

It is impossible to “solder” split ends, but it is quite possible to improve their condition. This can be done using the proposed masks:


To prevent hair loss or get rid of existing pathology, try the following mask recipes:

For painted and damaged

To restore hair after coloring, heat styling and other harmful manipulations, use one of the following recipes:

For shine

To give your hair the desired shine, use the following masks:


To reduce the appearance of dandruff, and in the future get rid of it altogether, try the following masks:

Peach oil for hair is one of the few products that add luxury to hair.

The healing composition and unique properties make the oil a universal remedy for use. Strengthening hair, stimulating its growth, relieving irritation and itching of the scalp, restoring hair damaged after dyeing and perming - this is not a small list of tasks that peach seed oil can cope with.

Hair oil can be used in its pure form. To enhance the effect, it is necessary to massage the scalp. This procedure will improve blood circulation, which will create an additional stimulus for the hair follicles.

The massage should be carried out an hour before washing your hair and wash it in your usual way, using shampoo.

Can be used simultaneously with shampoo by combining both components in the palm of your hand. It is recommended to use the oil in courses, taking breaks.

Hair masks are very effective, some of them can be used today.

Mask for dry and brittle hair. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of peach oil, 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil. Both components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub the mixture into your scalp and leave on for up to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. It is advisable to do the mask one and a half to two hours before washing your hair.

Hair growth mask. Ingredients: 4 teaspoons of peach oil, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard, 50 milliliters of warm water, one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of sugar. Sugar and mustard, in this mask, act as an activator of hair follicles. Mix all ingredients, apply to hair roots, cover hair and head with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with water and shampoo. Carry out the procedure before washing your hair.

Revitalizing mask. Ingredients: half a tablespoon of peach oil and honey, four teaspoons of cottage cheese, preferably full-fat. Combine everything and apply to the scalp 30 minutes before washing. This mask can be done 4 times a month (every week), then use other products.

Mask for oily hair. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of peach seed oil, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of cognac. Combine everything and apply to the scalp 30 minutes before washing. Wash your hair in your usual way, using shampoo. Cognac containing alcohol in this mask will perform a drying function. This mask should not be done more than 2 times a month.

Give your hair vitality - use peach oil.

Peach oil for eyelashes

Peach oil for eyelashes is an excellent remedy for their strengthening and growth.

The procedure is carried out one hour before bedtime. To do this, you need to use a clean brush with oil applied to it (for example, a mascara brush or a cotton swab) and use it as you would for applying mascara.

Before going to bed, any remaining oil from your eyelashes should be removed. This must be done, since an excess of oil on the eyelashes can create the effect of puffy eyes in the morning.

Weak, lifeless, dry hair requires special care. It is recommended to use peach oil as a restorative and moisturizing agent.

It restores the structure of the strands, relieves them of micro damage, helps eliminate dandruff, and has a beneficial effect on curls and scalp.

Composition and benefits of the product

The product is especially useful for fragile and.

The beneficial effect is due to the unique composition, in which:

  • niacin– prevents early gray hair, smoothes hair;
  • retinol– makes hair elastic, straightens, seals ends;
  • vitamin K and riboflavin– moisturize as much as possible, eliminate dandruff;
  • pyridoxine– prevents alopecia, early baldness, saves from fragility;
  • folic acid and vitamin C– protect from the harmful effects of external factors;
  • thiamine– helps to cope with seborrhea, disinfects, relieves the inflammatory process;
  • tocopherol– adds shine, accelerates collagen synthesis.

Peach oil also contains:

  • phospholipids– they stimulate hair growth, activate metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • phosphorus– makes strands smooth, elastic, reduces fragility;
  • potassium– moisturizes, reduces moisture loss by cells;
  • iron– improves the supply of oxygen to cells, stimulates blood circulation;
  • calcium– stimulates cell restoration, returns hair ends to a healthy appearance.

Peach oil, made by cold pressing from seeds, can be used at any age - it is recommended even for infants.

Regular use of the product will improve the condition of your hair, and...

But for it to be beneficial, it must be used according to certain rules.

What harm can it do?

Peach oil is a hypoallergenic product, its use does not cause negative reactions: allergies, itching, inflammation.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

To make sure there is no allergy, the drug should be applied to the inside of the wrist or elbow, left for a third of an hour and make sure that no redness occurs.

This product lightens your hair a little.– this property should be taken into account when applying masks.

When applied to colored hair It is worth considering that it will make the color brighter, more intense, and also minimize the harm from applying the coloring agent.

Rules of application

How to apply

In most cases, oils reveal their full properties only after heating; peach oil is no exception. To get the maximum effect, you need to heat it in a water bath.

If the mask contains the use of essential oils and eggs, there is no need to heat it up - just take it out of the refrigerator a few hours before the procedure, this will prevent the ingredients from curdling and losing their beneficial properties.

In the classic recipe, peach seed oil used in its pure form, and can be applied to both clean and unwashed strands.

The specific method of application is chosen based on the goal that they want to achieve:

  • to get rid of dandruff, moisturize the scalp, and activate the follicles, you need to tilt your head down and do a relaxing massage with your fingertips;
  • To give strength, get rid of dullness, and restore, the procedure is continued - the mass is distributed with a comb along the entire length of the strands, combing is continued for up to 10 minutes.

After application you need cover your head with film, wrap it in a towel. Such actions will allow you to organize a thermal effect and reveal the benefits of peach oil.

How long should the applied cosmetic product remain on the hair?

The exact time depends on the goal:

  • if applied as a preventive measure, it is washed off after half an hour;
  • to get rid of problems, it is removed no earlier than after a couple of hours, and in especially advanced cases it is permissible to leave it on all night;
  • masks with additional ingredients are washed off, depending on the recipe, after a third of an hour - 40 minutes.

To restore strands and obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to apply masks at least three times a week, and for prevention, it is enough to use the product once every seven days.

A full course of procedures consists of 15 or more procedures, and the effect will be noticeable no earlier than after 5-7 cosmetic sessions.

How to wash off

You should not refuse peach seed extract because it is difficult to wash off.

In fact It’s easy to remove the product from strands:

  • the curls are slightly moistened with warm water;
  • a suitable shampoo is applied to them and foamed;
  • strands are washed under running water;
  • you can repeat the procedure again.

To consolidate the result After masks and shampooing, hair is rinsed with herbal infusions from chamomile, burdock, citric acid, nettle, birch leaves, St. John's wort or vinegar.

The mixture is brewed - a tablespoon of the herb is brewed with a liter of boiling water, cooled, filtered, and rinsed with hair.

If using lemon juice or vinegar, you will need to dissolve a spoonful of the product in a liter of water, and rinse your hair with the resulting mixture.

How to use: mask recipes

Peach oil can be used both in its pure form, without additives, and in the form of hair masks with additional ingredients - honey, egg, vegetable and essential oils, liquid vitamins, castor oil.

A mask will help moisturize your strands from and peach oils, mixed in equal proportions.

This mixture is applied evenly along the entire length of the curls and lightly rubbed into the scalp. After application, the head is covered with film and wrapped in a towel.

The mask lasts up to an hour, after which it needs to be washed off with water and a gentle shampoo.

Restore split ends of hair You can use this mask with peach seed oil:

  • oils from olives and peaches are mixed in a container (a tablespoon each);
  • add 7 drops of vitamins E and A to the mass;
  • Apply the mixture to the damaged part of the hairstyle and cover it with foil;
  • rinse off no earlier than after 2 hours.

To strengthen the follicles and reduce the intensity of hair loss, prepare a mask according to the following recipe:

  • mix peach and oils;
  • rub part of the mass into the scalp;
  • the rest of the product is applied evenly;
  • after an hour and a half, wash off.

To get rid of dandruff prepare the product like this:

  • to 5 tablespoons of the main ingredient add 6 drops of essential oils of grapefruit and;
  • rub the mass into the head with massage movements;
  • wash off the product with shampoo after an hour and a half.

Get rid of dandruff from oily hair The following peach oil product will help improve their appearance:

  • rolled oats flour is mixed with peach seed extract in equal proportions;
  • the prepared paste is applied to the skin and hair roots for an hour;
  • You need to wash your curls twice.

To restore hair after coloring A mask prepared according to a simple recipe is used - the main ingredient is mixed with ylang-ylang in equal proportions and applied for a couple of hours.

Provide additional nutrition The following remedy can be used:

  • a spoonful of the main component is mixed with one yolk of a chicken egg and a spoonful of honey;
  • The thoroughly mixed mass is applied to the roots and curls and left for an hour;
  • wash off under running water.

Accelerate hair growth, awaken follicles, strengthen hair Maybe a mask from a mixture of cognac and the main ingredient, taken in equal proportions.

After application, wrap the head with film and a towel, and leave the product for an hour. After rinsing off the product, rinse the hair with cool water with the addition of lemon juice.

Peach oil - perfect for dry hair, helps restore brightness, softness, elasticity, shine, health, and beauty to your hair.

It can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, apply for half an hour or overnight.