Print out the outline of snowflakes from paper. How to cut snowflakes from paper

- this is still the most beloved and desired holiday. We begin to prepare for it in advance. All of us in childhood, in order to decorate our room, office at school or other premises, took a piece of paper, folded it and cut out various corners and circles in it, and when we unfolded it we always got different, unusual shapes.

Snowflakes are one of the simple and affordable options to decorate a room for the upcoming holiday. Today there are many options, diagrams and templates on the Internet for their manufacture.

Round and voluminous snowflakes for windows: Simple patterns for cutting out for the New Year

You always want to decorate your home in an interesting way before the New Year. A classic option for decorating windows for the holidays are snowflakes. To do this, we need paper with any color you like; white is traditional.

1. I’m starting to make. I take a white sheet of paper and fold one edge into a triangle.

2. Then, using scissors, I cut off the excess part.

3. I fold the resulting triangle in half several times.

4. Now I apply various patterns with a pencil. Here there is a choice for everyone who wants to depict what they want.

5. After which, using scissors, I cut out the resulting sketch. When I have completely cut out the design, I open it, straighten out all the irregularities and in the end, I get such a big and beautiful snowflake.

I’ll show you a few more options - patterns for cutting out snowflakes.

Another interesting version of a snowflake, I fold several triangles, cut out a rounded middle, then make petals, open the snowflake and fold the petals into the center, fastening them with glue.

You will not spend much time and effort, and when you decorate your windows, you will be delighted.

Ballerina paper snowflakes

Every time you want something new to decorate your interior, that means you need to learn. Cutting figures out of paper is a very simple craft, which for some even turns into a hobby.

1. First, on a white sheet of paper, draw a dancing silhouette of a ballerina. You can take it online and print it out.

Tip: To make the figure dense, draw it on cardboard or paper for drawing. You can make it colored.

2. Now I’m making a skirt for a ballerina from a snowflake. I fold the white sheet into a triangle and cut off the excess.

3. I fold another triangle in half and cut off the excess again. I draw a design on it and cut it out.

4. I make a slot in the center of the snowflake so that the figure fits. I dress it carefully so as not to wrinkle it.

5. The ballerinas are ready, you need to tie a string and hang them up.

You can decorate with sparkles, but this is at your discretion.

How to Make Piggy Cutting Templates

On the eve of the New Year 2019, pigs will be the current templates for decoration. One of the most beautiful and widespread techniques is “vytynanka”. To do this, we will need templates with the image of a pig (any colors), a board for work and a stationery knife.

You can use these samples:

Monthly pig

Piggy in a ball

Openwork pig on a snow globe.

There is nothing complicated in this technique, for this I print out the templates shown above, put them on a board and, using a sharp scalpel or a stationery knife, cut out the selected parts of the sketch.

Then we decorate the windows using such works. You can tie a thread and paint the ceiling.

Light and small paper snowflakes for children

Now I’ll show you how to easily and quickly make paper snowflakes for children. To do this, we will need the remains of a sheet from large snowflakes, but the principle remains the same.

We fold a sheet of paper into a triangle, cut off the excess, fold it in half again and connect the parts together, cross to cross, draw a simple pattern. It can be replaced with any others, balls, squares, triangles. Then cut and straighten.

A classic version of a simple snowflake.

Have a nice time with you and your children.

Video on how to make a snowflake stencil with your own hands

This video shows how to make a snowflake stencil quickly and easily.

I hope that your interior will be truly beautiful with the help of my sketches and templates!

Hello dear friends! Today I will show you how to cut simple and beautiful paper snowflakes for window decoration. After all, when the first fluffy snow falls, a magical feeling of expectation of something fabulous immediately sets in in your soul.

The first snowflakes are the harbingers of the coming New Year, to which we in Russia have a particularly reverent attitude. Many begin to prepare for this holiday in advance, almost in November. Because this is a whole ritual that lifts your spirits.

They put up Christmas trees and decorate their space with various garlands and tinsel. They also make simple decorations from paper, since it is the most versatile tool at hand for various crafts.

Both adults and children are captivated and captivated by this action, including me. But there is not enough imagination and the result is always some kind of rubbish instead of beautiful patterns. And to help you and myself, I have prepared templates and diagrams for cutting out and decorating windows.

For such crafts, it is best to take thin material. Otherwise, for example, it’s inconvenient to cut out of printer paper. At home with children, it is more interesting to make snowflakes from colored or foil.

To warm up, let's start with simpler templates that even children can cut out. First you need to make the workpiece itself, with which you can work further.

Take a colored or plain white sheet of landscape paper (A4) and cut a square out of it with scissors. It's simple - make a corner and cut off the excess. Next, do everything according to the diagram below.

Now you can work with this further. Turn on your imagination and draw an outline on the blank along which you will cut out your beauty. And then cut off the excess along the contour lines with scissors and you will get the first snowflake. I'll throw out an idea below.

I already wrote that I’m not good with imagination, but while I was selecting material for you, I decided to experiment to see what would come out of me. I took a regular sheet of office paper and made a blank as described above. And then, with a pen, looking at the top drawing, I came up with my own. Although, honestly, I just scribbled triangles and rectangles. And this is what happened, look. In my opinion, a rather attractive snowflake.

Of course, I did it in haste. Just a pure try. I think it's not bad for the first time. Incredibly proud of myself. Now you can improve for the New Year. Look, I can create the same beauty on my windows.

While I was cutting it out, I made several conclusions: it is better to draw the template with a finely sharpened pencil. And scissors should have thin blades.

And now, perhaps, I’ll give you a few template ideas. Although, as it turned out using a practical method, it is very easy and simple to come up with and make a beautiful snowflake, even for people with a lack of imagination or creative thinking.

How to make paper snowflakes with your own hands easily and beautifully (step-by-step instructions)

Since I only had printer paper or a thin napkin, I continued making snowflakes using a template from the Internet on it. Something didn’t work out for me right away with the napkin. While I was drawing a template on it, it tore from the pen. And my scissors are not that sharp. Therefore, the damaged napkin immediately went into the trash bin.

And so, I found this suitable simple template:

Here, by the way, the triangle is folded a little differently. But I used the blank that I made according to the very first template. It's probably not that important anymore. I took the same pen and tried to copy this drawing on my future snowflake.

It turned out, though not exactly the same, but very similar. Well, so be it. I just want to show that even for a creative nerd like me, it's not that difficult. I took my bulky scissors and started cutting. It wasn’t possible to cut smoothly along the contour everywhere, but in the end, I overcame this stage. I unfolded the paper and realized that it turned out almost like in the picture.

Let's continue. I take the next template, redraw it, work with scissors and see the result. I understand that every time it gets better and better. Rate it.

The cutting process itself takes no more than 5 minutes. And to make everything clearer for you, I found a suitable video. Take a look and you yourself will then understand how easy it is.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for windows with cutting patterns

And what did I want to say to all of this? Yes, it’s very easy to cut out beauty for windows from paper. Even a beginner or a child can handle it. Even if you have not very convenient material at hand (too dense) and inappropriate scissors. But if you have both normal craft paper and normal sharp scissors with a thin blade, then it will be much easier for you.

If your imagination fails you, then just look at the diagrams that I will show you and copy them onto your blanks. And most importantly, don’t be afraid if it doesn’t look exactly the same. Your snowflakes will still be beautiful and unique.

Option #1

Option No. 2

Option #3

Option No. 4

Now, I think all you need to do is stock up on scissors and paper. Then use your imagination or use the suggested patterns and begin the process of decorating your windows. This one is very exciting, I tell you.

How to glue snowflakes to a window?

And so you cut out our beauty, now you need to glue them to the windows. I'll tell you how to do this now. There are several options and here are the most common:

  • Water - suitable for thin material, but there is a risk that after drying, paper crafts may wrinkle or fall off.
  • Milk is a good substitute for water. Pour it into a wide bowl, dip a snowflake into it and quickly but carefully apply it to the glass.

  • Soap solution - whittle the laundry soap and pour boiling water over the shavings, stirring until they dissolve. Then apply the solution to the products with a brush, sponge or sponge.
  • Paste - pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then gradually add flour to the water and stir so that there are no lumps. A fairly thick consistency should be achieved.

  • Toothpaste - I like this method. Apply a little of it to the product and apply it to the window. When you remove the snowflakes, the paste will be easily washed off.
  • Glue - you can use any PVA glue or glue stick. By the way, there is water-soluble glue. It would be better with it, easier to wash off later.

Now you know how to beautifully cut out and stick paper snowflakes on your windows for the New Year. It's not difficult at all. And the process itself is so captivating that it is impossible to stop. You can embed products of different sizes and create a pattern from them. The main thing is that there is enough imagination. But, I believe in you!

Decorating a Christmas tree is a favorite pastime for all family members. But it’s too early to decorate the Christmas tree. At the same time, you can already start preparing New Year’s snowflakes and decorations with your children with your own hands.

So, the topic of today's post is a creative task that causes great joy in children - how to make New Year's snowflakes - window decorations with your own hands. We implement ideas for your home in the style of New Year's decoration. Decorate the walls and windows with snowflakes. There should definitely be several New Year's toys made by a child in the house. New Year's snowflakes made by parents together with their child will allow you to find common points of mutual understanding, and will simply bring real pleasure to both you and your child!

At the same time, children will never forget snowflakes made with their own hands. The child will carry this joint creative process with him throughout his life!

A creative look at New Year's decorations will plant in the child's soul the seeds of a creative approach, the ability to think outside the box, the ability to find original solutions, which over time will grow in him as the distinctive qualities of a comprehensively developed and creative personality!

Fig 1.a. DIY snowflake. Snowflake for the New Year's carnival. Paper snowflake template. Design template for printing in Word

To make snowflakes you need to choose one of the pictures below. The selected image must be saved to your computer.

Fig 1.b. DIY snowflakes.-Snowflake-for-the-New Year.-Paper snowflake template. Decorate windows with snowflakes, printable template for A4 printer

Fig.2. DIY snowflake. Snowflake for the New Year's ball. Paper snowflake template. A4 sheet fold template

All the necessary pictures for making New Year's snowflakes are given below.

Together with your child, you need to cut out and straighten the snowflake. Snowflakes can be given a special shine by decorating them with glitter varnish.

Snowflakes are glued onto glass using paper tape or soap.

Everything you need for creativity is in your hands - just grab a pair of scissors and do it with your child!

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, A4 template black DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, white A4 template DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -10

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -9 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -8 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -7

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -6 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -5 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -4

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -3 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -2 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -1

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -25 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -24 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -23

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -22 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -21 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -20

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -19 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -18 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -17

DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -16 DIY snowflakes. Snowflake for the New Year. Paper snowflake template. We decorate the windows with a snowflake, template A4 -15

Winter is a special time of year, some people love it, but others not so much. However, it has its advantages and benefits.
For example, it is in winter that we most value the coziness, warmth and comfort of home, as well as communication with family and friends.
Only in winter can we experience all the delights of snow. We can roll down a hill in the snow, or we can plop down into a large snow-white fluffy snowdrift.
We can watch snowflakes fall from the sky and enjoy the extraordinary beauty of how they shimmer in the light like hundreds of millions of sparkles.
And as you know, in nature there are no two identical snowflakes; all the snowflakes that fall on the ground are all different. It's hard to believe, but it's a fact.
Our Creator did a good job so that we would not be bored. You can admire snowflakes for a very long time, and you can also try to make snowflakes yourself, well, of course, not the kind that God created, but ones that won’t melt and you can decorate your house with them.
Snowflakes are best made from paper, but other suitable materials can be used.
You can do creativity both independently and with your family or separately with your children.

How to make beautiful snowflakes step by step master classes.

To make snowflakes you will need white or colored paper, a pencil and scissors.
And most importantly, a little imagination and interesting ideas for inspiration.

You need paper of A4 size or a square; the larger the square, the larger the snowflake and vice versa.
The principle of folding and cutting paper can be different, try different options, experiment!

Another version of snowflakes using the quilling technique, they are made from narrow strips and you will need glue to make them.
Although it may take a little longer to produce, the result is worth it. Such snowflakes turn out voluminous and very beautiful.

Just look how beautiful it is!
I really liked the ideas, and they are not at all difficult to make.
To make them you will need paper, scissors and glue, and the whole process is depicted in the photo in an accessible and understandable way, so I think there should be no questions left.

Felt snowflakes.

Felt snowflakes also look very beautiful, so I found some interesting ideas for creativity.

Templates of beautiful snowflakes for cutting.

If it’s difficult for you to draw a pattern yourself, then you can use ready-made templates; they can be printed on a printer and cut out.

Snowflake stencils for cutting.

Templates and schemes of snowflakes.

I tried to collect different ideas and there were quite a lot of them.
My daughter and I have already tried to make several snowflakes using them, we really liked it. Although there are still a lot of interesting ideas, so I think we will do more)))
You can also bookmark the page so as not to lose this selection.

Hello again, blog subscribers and guests. After all, New Year is the most beloved and desired holiday. Both adults and children are waiting for it. And this is connected with the magical atmosphere of New Year’s Eve, as well as the belief in miracles and the fulfillment of all desires when the clock strikes 12...

And probably the whole country is preparing in a special way for this event. New Year is awaited in every home! Therefore, in November-December, cities begin to transform, and houses also correspond to the New Year’s theme. So, on the windows there are beautiful paper ones in the form of fairy-tale characters and multi-colored lights, and some have small ones.

Today I again want to talk about how you can festively decorate your houses, apartments, and even work spaces. After all, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!

And since it’s hard to argue with the fact that cutting out snowflakes for New Year’s decor has already become a kind of tradition and an obligatory attribute of this magical holiday, the story will be about them.

These carved beauties always decorate windows, Christmas trees, kindergartens and schools, and office premises. After all, they look very impressive and create a festive atmosphere.

Recently I told you how to make them in different ways (from beads, fabric, threads, etc.), but I will devote this issue only to the creation of beauties from paper using the technology of cutting out templates. This is the easiest and favorite way to create New Year's decorations.

First of all, I’ll briefly tell you how to fold the paper to prepare the basis for applying a stencil and further cutting out snowflakes.

So, the easiest way is to fold the sheet five times. To do this, you need to fold the sheet in half the first four times, and diagonally the fifth time. This method is very simple, but its disadvantage is that the products are angular. Therefore, it is better to take a closer look at other folding methods according to the diagrams below.

The most popular and correct folding of paper in order to cut out a six-pointed snowflake is the following option. We have been accustomed to making winter beauties using it since childhood.

After you choose your folding method, be sure to practice so that later the products turn out smooth and beautiful. Then come up with or find a ready-made template, print it and transfer it to a piece of paper. Carefully cut out the stencil and unfold the product. In fact, this is all that is required from you to make snowflakes.

To cut out snowflakes, choose thick (but not very thick), good quality paper.

If you don’t really understand the diagrams or my explanation, I recommend watching the instructional video on folding snowflakes. Then everything will definitely work out the first time.

Beautiful snowflakes for cutting with simple patterns for children

After you learn how to fold paper correctly, it's time to start choosing a template for creating patterned snowflakes.

Start with simple and uncomplicated patterns. Also involve children in creativity, believe me, they can do this activity too.

Templates for cutting snowflakes from paper for windows

You can always make Christmas tree decorations from ready-made patterned beauties. But most often windows are decorated with fluff. Let's see what templates I found from the Internet. Be sure to try cutting out each product.

Also, using ready-made products, you can get a little creative and make not ordinary snowflakes, but, for example, ballerinas. Look how cute it turns out!

3D paper snowflakes for the New Year. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

Volumetric snowflakes also look amazing and very impressive. They are made in different ways. I'll show you a couple of options.

The first and very simple way to make three-dimensional masterpieces is to cut out ordinary snowflakes according to any template, but in several versions. Then the blanks are folded in half and connected to each other.

The next option is also simple and involves twisting the paper.

And here are the steps:

  • Cut out 6 circles from paper;
  • Draw the markings in the form of lines 0.5 mm wide using a pencil and ruler;
  • Make cuts, twist the paper with a pencil and secure with glue;
  • Make five more elements in the same way;
  • Connect the blanks (by sewing or gluing them) and decorate the middle with a bead or rhinestone!

No less interesting, but more complicated is the quilling technique. But it makes for very creative decorations.

Also use the origami technique.

Or by making it from paper strips.

I really liked the idea of ​​​​making fluffy snowflakes. They really turn out very beautiful and so light and delicate!

Of course, these are not all examples of 3D snowflakes. It’s just that this is a whole separate topic, if you are interested in it, I can prepare a specially separate post. Necessary? Then write in the comments). And we need to move on.

Light and beautiful snowflakes in A4 format - you can download and print

In fact, there are a large number of stencils for cutting out snowflakes on the Internet. Therefore, I tried my best to put together the coolest and simplest of them. I'm leaving the templates right here and right now. Download and print!

How to cut out small snowflakes using templates and glue them to windows

And I’m also throwing stencils at you to create a festive and fabulous atmosphere in your home. Hurry up, take a look and choose to your taste!

By the way, do you know how to glue snowflakes to windows?

The following means are usually used to attach New Year's decor:

  • toothpaste;
  • milk;
  • soap solution;
  • water;
  • liquid paste;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • PVA glue, stationery.

Let's take a closer look at each method of attaching decorations to windows, as well as how to remove all the decor and whether it is necessary to clean the windows after that.

I usually use soapy water or toothpaste. It’s simple, quick, and you don’t need to clean the windows for a long time afterwards. 😀

Volumetric paper snowflakes with cutting templates

Now, as a separate item, I would like to offer you diagrams for cutting out 3D snowflakes. You already know how to make them, all that remains is to choose the design of the decoration.

We cut out snowflakes very easily and simply according to the diagrams

Well, and some simple stencils and the cutting results. There are so many things that even your eyes run wild. I think you can cut out the snowflakes right now in order to prepare more of them in advance.

And at the end I want to show windows, Christmas trees and more already decorated with snowflakes. So to speak, I offer you ideas for New Year's decor.

I think there are definitely plenty of templates and ideas for cutout art now. So go ahead and cut out New Year's beauties. And don’t forget to bookmark the article, otherwise God forbid you lose it).

That's all. I wish you a great mood as always! Bye bye my dears!